Tides in the Solar System and Beyond
Speaker: Jacob Hamer, Assistant Curator of Planetarium Education at the New Jersey State Museum. (via Zoom)
To anyone who lives along the coast, the tides are a familiar celestial cycle. Dr. Hamer will discuss why tides happen, and some examples of tides in the universe. The Earth and Moon are the most familiar examples, but even more extreme tidal interactions happen elsewhere in our Solar System. And beyond our Solar System, tides may actually spell destruction for giant planets very close to their stars.
In-person at the Mesa County Library, 443 N 6th St, Grand Junction, CO 81501, and online through advance registration via Zoom | Tuesday, April 1, 2025 | 6pm MDT
Please contact us for more information and the Zoom link to join remotely
May 6, 2025: To be Announced
February 2021 - Monthly Meeting of the Western Colorado Astronomy Club
February 2021 Meeting of the WCAC
December 2020 - Monthly Meeting of the Western Colorado Astronomy Club
December 2020 Meeting of the WCAC
October 2020 - Monthly Meeting of the Western Colorado Astronomy Club
October 2020 WCAC Monthly Meeting